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Gender Discrimination

Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination in the workplace (also called sex discrimination) includes instances of unfair treatment based on one’s gender, as well as “hostile work environments” where a woman or man is made to feel extremely uncomfortable due to repeated comments, or unwanted touching. This can cause the person to quit the job, and warrants legal action to remedy the situation or compensate the victim.

You may have heard of the Wal-Mart gender discrimination case, in which women were steered into lower paying jobs with less opportunity for advancement. Tell us about your experience at work. Here are some other common instances of discrimination:

  • Failure to hire
  • Failure to promote
  • Significant pay discrepancies
  • More lucrative assignments to one gender
  • Termination based on gender

Our experience and hard work allow us to locate witnesses and evidence to support claims of discrimination. We are experienced negotiators and trial lawyers, compassionate counselors who treat every client with the respect he or she deserves.

Call us at 908-353-6500 or send us an e-mail to

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  • Hostile Work Environment

    Are sexually offensive posters permitted to be displayed in your workplace? Are you repeatedly asked out when you have made it clear to the person that you are not interested? Is your workplace so uncomfortable that you feel you must quit? This situation describes “constructive termination.” You only quit because of an unbearable work environment or sexual harassment. Tell us about it, and we will discuss your legal options with you.

Our offices are located in Elizabeth, New Jersey, easily accessible by car and public transportation. Free parking is available.
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